John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. The Silmarillion (№ 379765)

The countless tears you shed; and the Valar will fence Valinor from you, and torn you, that even the echo of your sobs have not moved mountains. The wrath of the Valar lies on the House of fëanor, and he will fall on all who follow him, and overtook them on the West or East whether. The oath will lead them to betray and pervert the treasure, to get which they swore. All started by them in the name of good ends spirited; and there will be betrayal from a brother and from fear of betrayal. They will be destitute forever. You unjustly shed the blood of their brothers and have stained the land of Aman. For the blood you will pay with blood and you will live out of Haman, under the veil of Death. For though Providence Era you are not destined to die in EA, and no sickness can't beat you, you can be struck and smitten with will - weapons, pain and sorrow; and your homeless souls shall come then to Mandos. Long it takes you to arrive there, and pine for the bodies, and find sympathy, at least all the people you killed, asked for you. Those who remain in middle-earth and come not to Mandos, tired from the world, as from a heavy burden, will isometsa and become a shadow of sadness for the young people, that will come later. These Are The Words Of The Valar.
№ 379765   Added MegaMozg 02-10-2019 / 19:18

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