Lafayette Ronald Hubbard. Dianetics (№ 393684)

In modern society, women began to appreciate somewhat less than it was in other societies and in other times. Women expect that they will compete with men. It just doesn't make sense. Activities carried out by women, no less valuable than the activities of men. Men cannot compete with women, just as women cannot compete with men in terms of physique or ability to perform hard work. The cause of many riots occurring in modern society, is that society does not realize what an important role the woman plays is a woman, and understands that men and women have different spheres of activity.
The man responsible for the modern world, the structure and activity of this world. But for himself and for his children is the responsibility of the woman. Concern about the future generation is almost completely rests on the shoulders of women, so women deserve much more respect than fell to their share in the past when they were slaves.
Thus, the idea that a woman can take a higher place in society than the present, is not absurd and utopian. And the woman should occupy such a place if we want the next generation had a decent childhood to the houses was peace and calm and that society developed.
Quote Explanation: Dianetics: the modern science of the mind (from Greek dia — "through" and nous, "mind")
№ 393684   Added Viker 07-05-2020 / 10:55

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