Book: A distant Outpost

We, the men, no matter how we tried, do not understand, and them women we can't explain. But this does not prevent us to live together and to coexist. And most importantly, we in some impossible way find common ground and complement each other. It's no wonder they say that a woman is not looking for the best, and who will be the second half, someone who can give her those qualities which are not present in it.
№ 367150   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2019 / 09:39
So here you are, reindeer!
№ 367124   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2019 / 09:13
"Now and prove that not a camel, - I smiled. - Two hump on his back, munching a thorn. Then, camel you are."
№ 367102   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2019 / 08:51
All the mysteries are not solved in one day. And useful stuff you need to collect.
№ 367066   Added Viker 20-04-2019 / 08:21
As said Petrovich: "before you take the next step, do not be lazy and look down, suddenly there at the foot of the abyss."
№ 367065   Added Viker 20-04-2019 / 08:21