Book: The prophets

Time has changed the world. The name of God is no longer sacred. Man won, but he was a man...
The world has changed, but people all the same. Their sensuality is combined with hatred, Vice and virtue, hypocrisy with sincerity and love... with panic.
№ 45710   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 21:09
.... - There is only what I can touch. Everything else - ghosts, hallucinations, illusions, call it what you want. All this sentimental, hysterical nonsense invented ugly, unsatisfied, insecure, poor, pathetic, hysterical, in short, weak people. Why is it? What? What does it serve? Today I'm with you, and maybe I will another four months, provided that you're interesting enough and will be able to diversify our sex, but then you will bore me and I you. But if you have a limiter - you want my money, I have that limiter there. I need your body. Joseph smiled in the face of a young, arrogant mistress - bodies in abundance, willing to sell them for lack of anything else - a huge amount. Sell for very different prices - one have nothing to eat, others want to live well and some very good live. I can choose you as the pieces of beef for the holiday table and for ordinary. You so much... You are the same, so easily replaceable. Better not pout, girl, who are you? A moth one-day. Jaded your tender body like me, buys stuff, I will go abroad, and to collect anything fails, you do not have this aspiration, desire, will, and there's only stupidity, laziness and ambition. Where are you going, stupid? Fuck no. it will take five to ten years, and you'll grow old, your face covered with wrinkles, body fat, feet covered with blue mesh, the Breasts droop, my stomach will fall out, you'll be happy if some rednecks will marry you. And wash going, to cook and give birth to children, to hate him and be afraid of losing more than anything. Go, go. I'm not sorry...
№ 36314   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 14:55