Game: Lost Planet 2

- You've all heard the reasons why man wants to destroy the Over-G. In our best interests to help him. Gather all our people and tell them to ready for battle as quickly as possible!
- Want to destroy this barrier? Now you have what you need.
№ 281855   Added MegaMozg 02-04-2017 / 10:21
- It's our lucky day, guys! Want treasure?
- Yeah!
- Leave of locusts it! Keep moving!
№ 281854   Added MegaMozg 02-04-2017 / 10:21
Calling all snow pirates on E. D. N.-3. It is a warning of great urgency. A military force known as you N. E. V. E. C. is planning something that will be catastrophic for all living on this planet. I know this because I worked for N. E. V. E. C..
I believed in their goal to bring order to this planet. Now I know that this goal is a lie. Their real goal all the time was to collect thermal energy. So I left N. E. V. E. C..
Now they're trying to awaken the Over-G akrid, sleeping under the surface of the planet. This will free up a huge amount of thermal energy. N. E. V. E. C. will take all that energy and leave the planet to die. And that's not all: if we don't stop N. E. V. E. C. and will not prevent the awakening of the Over-G, subsequent to the release of such a huge amount of thermal energy, the reaction will freeze this planet to its very core and kill everyone and everything living on it.
To all snow pirates on E. D. N.-3: if you hear my voice, then I urge you to put aside differences and unite with me. Most of the last century, you knew the land you own can be lost at any moment. And if this happens, you just start again somewhere else. But this time, "somewhere" does not yet exist. Our place here on this planet. Our ancestors settled here due to their unbreakable spirit and willpower. Now it's time for us to show strength of will to defend what they hardly built. Let's show N. E. V. E. C. what happens when our home is threatened.
№ 281852   Added MegaMozg 02-04-2017 / 10:20
Now 8012 year. Half a century has passed since then, as the colonization of the planet EDN-3. The colonists soon had to fight the locusts - inhabitants of the planet for control of thermal energy. These colonists were called "Snow pirates". Their conflicts began to affect the cold world of the planet. What does this mean for the snow pirates living in it?
№ 281851   Added MegaMozg 02-04-2017 / 10:20
Kill Big together.
Kill the Giant together.
№ 281850   Added MegaMozg 02-04-2017 / 10:20