Author of quotes: Pyotr Pavlovich Yershov

Hmm! So here is the Tsar maiden!
As in the fairy-tale -
Says Stremyannaya -
That is where the red a
Tsarevna, so miracle!
This is not beautiful:
And pale and thin,
Tea, in the girth about three inches;
And nagonka-nagonka!
Ugh! Like a chicken!
Let him love whom,
I didn't take!
№ 280840   Added MegaMozg 25-03-2017 / 15:07
In the stables of the Royal is
And does not potuit
It's about the brothers, the father
In the Prince's Palace.
Yes, and that he to the brothers?
Ivan red dresses,
Red caps, boots
Almost ten boxes;
He eats a sweet, he sleeps so much,
That expanse, and more!
№ 280838   Added MegaMozg 25-03-2017 / 15:07
To do nothing will have
In the Palace to serve you;
Gonna be gold to go
In red dress dress,
Like cheese in butter ride,
All my stables
I order you give.
Quote Explanation: The King said that Kony was not given to his grooms
№ 280837   Added MegaMozg 25-03-2017 / 15:07
But long since it is carried out,
Only the bad treasure is
Well you knock yourself out,
So do not knock out two rubles.
Quote Explanation: The brothers, seeing the horses of Ivan the fool
№ 280836   Added MegaMozg 25-03-2017 / 15:07
The king commanded himself to undress,
Two times crossed, -
Boo in the pot - and there welded!
№ 224957   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 13:33
Seeing this, Heather, sleeping bag,
The former head of conusa,
Says to himself:
"No, wait a minute, sucker!
You are not always going to happen
So channel Islander to be different,
Those I should fail again,
My darling, under the trouble!"
№ 224940   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 13:32
Guests! Shop unlocks,
Buy, sell;
And supervisors sit
Beside the benches and watch
That was not Sodom
No davega or pogrom,
And to Nike freak
Don't deceived people!
№ 224939   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 13:32
Month cried out: "Oh, the villain!
Try to seventy to marry
For a young girl!
Yes, I stand firmly in that -
He will sit for the groom!
You see that old fuck started:
Wants to reap where did not sow!
№ 224935   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 13:32
"No, whale-fish, our reward
Anything that is not necessary, -
Ivan says to him, -
Better ring we get -
Ring, know, the tsarevna,
Our future Queen." -
"Okay, okay! For boyfriend
And went in to land.
I shall find to lightning
The red ring of Tsar maiden".
№ 224932   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 13:32
Oh you, horses borax-Siwa,
Good Golden-mane horses!
I Mademoiselle you, my friends, is not caressed.
But what the hell you stole?
To gap him, dog!
To faint in the gully!
To him in that light
To fall on the bridge!
№ 224930   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 13:32