Author of quotes: Vladimir Pavlovich Basov

If we hang or shot, I don't want to hang on a fence with his pants down.
Quote Explanation: During the military events in Czechoslovakia in 1968 Vladimir Basov and his wife, Valentina Titova, came to rest, lived at the hotel. And that night a knock at the door. Bass stood up, whispering to someone, then got dressed and right in the clothes lay down. I [Valentina Titova] suffered two minutes and said, "What does that mean?" "Our invaded Czechoslovakia". This morning husband tried to contact the Ambassador, but he refused to communicate with him. At 10 o'clock the troops appeared, it was awful, but I was struck by the behavior Basov. He began to behave as a man, captured. Lived without undressing, two days before we left. I told him: "Get naked at least couple hours." He responded well: "If we hang or shot, I don't want to hang on a fence with his pants down".
№ 260155   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 18:12