Character: aunt Pesia

David Markovich! Well I have all eyes wept...Oh, I'm so glad! Permanently?
- For good.
Devochka are you my country! And I f you ponosku collected. And warm socks! And shirts washed! And glebchik, and fish jerky, Schaub somehow to eat...
- Thank you, aunt Pesia...
- That's just the cigarettes, not found, Emmik well does not smoke, changed to soap. Took fragrant trophy. Better five large pieces so it has two little... Duck Celia took one piece, and no! Consider all around smile... So can I ask you?.. What is there to choke him, huh?!
Quote Explanation: David Gotsman returned home after his arrest.
1 Season 6 Series
№ 226502   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 14:25
What's you wife?! Your mother's here!
1 Season 5 Series
№ 168089   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 12:50