Character: Coleman

- You do not come to mind, - he continued - that we go this minute in the midst of seven million people, and each of them lives its personal, separate from all life, and each of them in a high degree to spit on all of us? Seven million human personalities, each of whom thinks himself as great as any of us. Of these, several million are now sleeping in the poisoned atmosphere. Hundreds of thousands of pairs at this moment indulge in mutual caresses, which are too disgusting to describe them, but do not differ from those which each of us enthusiastically, passionately and beautifully expresses your love. Thousands of women suffer in birth-pangs, and thousands of individuals of both sexes die from the most varied and unique diseases or simply because they have healing in the world. Thousands of drunken, bloated thousands, thousands of half-starved. And they are all alive, they are all unique, individual, sensitive as we are. A horrible thought! Oh, to take Yes to have them all in a big hole with centipedes!
№ 207035   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 10:42