Character: Viktor Tumanov

Love? People are investing in this word many definitions of the senses, of action, he had thousands of meanings and, oddly enough, they are all true. Like fingerprints, or because you want me to romance - like the irises of the eyes, love is also different for each person. It's not a stencil, not the layout, not the image or example to follow - it's just a word that includes all the positive emotions that people can experience each other, to themselves, to objects, nature, occupations. Someone says that he loves his wife, and someone who likes to Tinker with the seedlings in the garden - and enjoying it, both are right. Love recognizes not only because it is multifaceted. It is a feeling that knows no boundaries, and once climbing into the soul, it never leaves the person, appearing here and there throughout his life. People sometimes don't realize their happiness, that wealth possessed, preferring to be angry on trifles and to destroy the lives of each other quarrels, grievances, lies, and mistrust.
№ 209801   Added MegaMozg 15-01-2017 / 12:33