Character: Vasily Petrovich Spools

EGE-GE-GE, how changed! Waist-that was then, and now, thank God.
№ 318458   Added MegaMozg 02-03-2018 / 03:07
And you look at your wife, but knock the nonsense out of your head, and you will have the joy of consolation, not beda of soft hearts.
№ 318453   Added MegaMozg 02-03-2018 / 03:02
- I'm all spent? They really think? This is unacceptable! No, I would rather trade words.
- And who said that the word Holy?
Quote Explanation: Nastya was promised to marry Alexander, thinking that he was poor. Envious cousin decided that she cheated.
№ 318452   Added MegaMozg 02-03-2018 / 02:07
If any sense to be afraid and to live will be impossible.
№ 294862   Added MegaMozg 21-07-2017 / 19:18