Character: Ivan Timofeevich Fedotov

Want to, I want blue meadows
Want to, want to become older faster.
Sooner or later comes to us in love,
But better still, if early...
Want, I want - a little smarter,
Want, I want - would do more.
Sooner or later have to die,
But better still, if later.
Quote Explanation: The song "Sooner or later".
№ 335782   Added MegaMozg 29-07-2018 / 23:13
Want to, I want blue, blue waves,
Want to, I want to go on them away.
Sooner or later there will be the world wars,
But better still, if early...
Want, I want - white clouds,
Want to, I want to live with people the truth.
Sooner or later, will not be fools,
But better still, if early...
Quote Explanation: The song "Sooner or later".
№ 335781   Added MegaMozg 29-07-2018 / 23:12