Character: Han Qing-Zhao

Do conversations
The gods of different peoples?
Do the gods of Chinese cities
With the ancestors of the Japanese?
Lord of Xibalba?
With Allah? With Yahweh? With Vishnu?
Whether they have a meeting
Where they can meet
Boast each other his believers?
"My bow to the floor, say one
And see in the tree veins in the glory of me."
"And my animals are sacrificed," answered the other.
"But mine will kill anyone who insult me"
- Boast third.
And here's a question I often ask:
Find among the deities of the at least one
Who honestly will be able to:
"To honor my people properly
My obey just laws
Treat each other honestly
And live simple generous lives?"
№ 386073   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2020 / 15:06