Character: Tanya Ischenko

I love you, Tanya.
- It does not happen.
- It happens.
- You'll never be able to love Claudia...
- It does not happen.
- It happens.
№ 50304   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 00:09
- Do you want the fate complain? Tango painfully beautiful.
- Go ahead.
- I had to call you here. No need to be friends with Claudia, not to do what I do, but I can not do.
- It is clear.
- Another would be. Intelligent you are.
№ 50298   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 00:09
- How long have you known Claudia for the packages?
- Unobservant people, Lavrov. With all your extraordinary powers. With Claudia we share common interests.
- What is it?
- Love for you.
№ 50297   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 00:09