Song: Cossack

Rescue from the wall under his shirt lifted,
Hut on fire, but the shotgun got
When Tips to live to trade your cross,
How many of us go into the woods.

Chizh I so.Cataclasite quotes
Quote Explanation: The song appeared during the Peasant uprising in the Tambov province under the leadership of A. S. Antonov.
№ 320375   Added MegaMozg 27-03-2018 / 17:46
Hey, Oh yeah lyrics
Hey, Yeah bleed steel
Hey, you're thick fog
Hey, Oh yeah dad,the chieftain,
Yes, dad, the leader.
№ 320373   Added MegaMozg 27-03-2018 / 17:44
A bullet whizzed in the chest hit me,
I was saved in the desert I'm on a spirited horse,
But a sword I got the Commissioner,
I swayed and the horse fell.
On one leg I came back from the war,
Tied his horse, I sat down with my wife
But the hour had passed - Commissioner came
They untied the horse and stole his wife.
№ 320372   Added MegaMozg 27-03-2018 / 17:43