Song: Take My Heart

In 6-15 lift, 23 rebound,
A summer dream, a black maelstrom and fight again!
I'm tired, I give up and it's not my fault
What is your war, not my war!..
I'm tired, I give up, I'm not your enemy,
Here is my shield, my sword, here's my white flag
Choose: I want a hell or in Paradise
Take my heart, take...
№ 354476   Added MegaMozg 29-12-2018 / 15:09
Take my heart, I know when to give up,
All sprinkled with pepper, let me stay.
Take my heart, it is impossible to hold back
Take my heart and let..
№ 354475   Added MegaMozg 29-12-2018 / 15:08
You saw all, didn't see me,
And in each case found the leader.
And so rich, and to be honest,
And where do we get this ship?..
When you did all that did
Looking for a strong, cool, awesome.
And so funny and so true,
In fact, you wanted to have the prisoner!
№ 354474   Added MegaMozg 29-12-2018 / 15:07