Song: On The Road Of Life

Do not turn the steering, something I chore
Very close to the ground,
Well you lorry?
You close your eyes, don't look, brother,
From the cockpit the blood, but the wheel - Alai...
They still bear, but the heart is all
№ 363128   Added MegaMozg 04-03-2019 / 09:24
Do not turn the steering, something I chore
Very close to the ground,
Well you lorry?
You close your eyes, don't look, brother,
From the cockpit the blood, but the wheel - Alai...
They still bear, but the heart is all
№ 363127   Added Viker 04-03-2019 / 09:24
Lights through the snow burn, Shine into the open mouth,
Shrivelled Leningrad... Brown bread waiting for!..
Remember space noisy space
There is now a not - ate Cesar...
There is now not a laugh, not the capital, rabble -
Along the wall on the snow, the people fall -
And then, in a sleigh driven
№ 363125   Added Viker 04-03-2019 / 09:23
In the fingers of your breathing - not to amorosity would
To you again in a hurry Ladoga lake.
Long before morning, in the darkness of flak hit,
In the spotlight "Junkers" roar
The precipice to the bottom of cracked ice,
Black water and the engine roars:
Well, do not let you alone now
№ 363124   Added Viker 04-03-2019 / 09:23