Elena Samoylova. The web of fate (№ 140440)

- Every night I wait for his return... and leave for him a lighted candle on the sill to make it easier to find your way home. He knew that here he still love and wait. How many years ago... I hope he still remembers me, when his duty to the world will be finished, but until then I will live here. He always comes back, and what a difference, sometimes, between meetings, pass years, I know that someday he will return no more to go.
And if... if you don't wait? quietly I asked, forgetting about the clay mug, nearly burning his hand. Or will he be too late?
Elderly wise woman only smiled, gazing into my eyes, and I realized - wait. And her husband will return, no matter what. Even if it happens when both are already elderly, but the death they meet together... like they had never been apart. Because a bird does not fly with one wing - they have to be two.
№ 140440   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 22:31

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