Dmitry Brilev. IRBIS (№ 191902)

Fancy women in their vast majority much sluttier men. But due to certain circumstances, they almost always remain fantasies. This is because women and men in their sexual fantasies manifest themselves in different ways. Men in the first place the process itself. Poses. In their fantasies almost always dominates the animal. To take and to possess. Women imagination is emotions. For them the atmosphere is important and only then the actions themselves. They also fantasize about sex in unusual places, postures and other things. But for men it's all happening at once. Times and tried. Implemented. The emotional component is often missing. Therein lies the problem. Women in order to open up, you need to feel comfortable. Cozy. This is important. Therefore, a crucial role is played not even sex itself, and what precedes it. A romantic date. Dinner. Flowers. Conversation. Women need to play. To be able to entice them. Lure. Everything should be beautiful. The most important moment of the prelude. Situation when she wants just hard sex, doesn't count. It happens, but in most cases foreplay is obligatory. Many women get more pleasure than the sex itself. If done correctly, it not only will help man to realize his sexual fantasies, but to share their. Women, for the most part, in the matter of sex - aesthetes, their enjoyment from it is, first and foremost, aesthetic and only then physiological in nature.
№ 191902   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 15:34

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