Sergey Mikheev. (№ 236241)

Actually, depression is also a drug kind. Man, depressed, aspiring her to feed, she grows like that, you know, poison ivy, and encircles the inside of the whole soul, the whole brain, there, heart, everything, all the organs. And now he lives in this: "Yes... of course... we always do... yeah... bad... tra-TA-TA." There is something that is bad, certainly, in our history, and there are many controversial things, but to swim in this depression is impossible, because it is destructive! It is in this depression and you want to put our, as they say, competitors, or opponents. They want us to be depressed, for one simple reason - a depressed person is not capable of constructive activity, he is able, maybe just for some self-destructive impulses; and second, when he's depressed and I'm sure all bad - it is much easier to sell nonsense and make him do what you want him to, it is easier stories to sell.
Quote Explanation: Morning show "Formula meaning" by Dmitry Kulikov and Olga Podolyan on the radio "Vesti FM". Theme: "Victory Day through the eyes of the West." 06.05.2016
№ 236241   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 10:45

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