Victor Hugo. Les Miserables (№ 246212)

Here's a simple-minded soldier, yesterday a peasant from the boss or from the Limousin, with cleaver on the side, which hangs out near the nurses with children in the Luxembourg gardens; here the pale young student bent over a anatomic drug, or over the book, the blond young man shaving his beard with scissors, - take both of them, breathe in them a sense of duty, put against each other at the intersection Bushra or stalled TA-Libre, make one fight for his flag, and the other for his ideal, and let them both imagine that they are fighting for their homeland. Will start a huge battle, and shadows cast by this marine and this medical College during a match at the great epic the arena, where a struggling mankind, will be equal to the shadow Megarian king of Lycia, the homeland of tigers, Savusavu in the iron embrace of the mighty Ajax of a divine.
№ 246212   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 20:09

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