Anna M. Ostrovskaya. Thirty nine (№ 256762)

... still, success in life is measured not by money, but by the degree of freedom. Very often money and freedom is interconnected. A lot of money - a lot of freedom. But the funny thing is that in my circle not so many people who have money to do much. Mostly still the normal average income. And this sample has a very happy - not those who earns more, and those who live in accordance with their internal rhythms, who has time for Hobbies (whether it be family, travel or truly love the work), who at any moment can be spontaneous, for example, to move, to go on holiday with children, pick up a cat or dog, to have a parrot or a Guinea pig, to quit work for a couple of years, or suddenly to go dancing or drawing. In General, the most prosperous people are those who dispose of his life, who has no debt to anyone and who have not lost the ability to be spontaneous.
№ 256762   Added MegaMozg 18-01-2017 / 14:12

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