Alexander Prozorov. Oath Of The Dark Lord (№ 266867)

- The most powerful magician of all born - recalled barbarian - dedicated ourselves to achieve justice for all people, mortals and spirits living in this world! I agree, for such a desire can forgive a lot.
- But why he had so many enemies? Why the fight for justice has turned into a Big War?
- You ask strange questions, boy. Think about what will happen if you become the ruler of destiny and forbidden to Rob passers-by on the roads and streets? Residents may be happy. But the bandits and thieves rise up against this law to one and all starts against you by a brutal war, not sparing his worthless life. What is law and justice for some, it becomes a prison and death for others. Robbers do not need a law. They need freedom. Full, unrestricted.
№ 266867   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 11:25

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