Реальное время с Биллом Маром (Real Time with Bill Maher) (№ 415062)

You won't win the battle for the twenty-first century if you're stupid and Americans are stupid! <... > you know who cares about our stereotypes about the Chinese in Dr. Seuss' books? China! All a billion four hundred million to score on this "flying herr from the crouching tiger"! Because they're not stupid, they're serious, like a mahach in prison! <... > In two generations, China has built as many as 500 cities from scratch, pulled the vast majority of its vast population out of poverty into the middle class, captured almost the entire 5G and pharmaceutical market... and I bought Africa. <... > At the national level - we have every week of infrastructure transformations, but since 2009 we have not done anything. Half the country is endlessly vigilant about someone's rights, deciding whether to have a hera at the potato head toy, and the other half wants the reptilians to stop and stop eating children! We're stupid! Even if we agree on something with each other, like abolishing small coins - No! - inertia, cover ass, bribes, lawyers, cowardice! Nothing moves in this downtrodden rectum of the country! We see the problem and ignore it! We lie to ourselves, swear, endlessly sue, sweep under the carpet, and then make some bills or decisions like from the ass, not working for ten years. <... > We are not losing to China. We've already lost. It's just that the consequences haven't been felt yet.
Release Date: 14.03.2021
№ 415062   Added MegaMozg 15-03-2021 / 14:36

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