Anime: Decapitation cycle: the Blue savant and the Master of nonsense (Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregoto Tsukai). Page 2

- You hate other people?
- No.
- Then love them?
- I wouldn't say that.
- Right. Based on your value system lies the principle of "people should live by themselves." Or not a principle, and desire? The strong desire that defines you. You do literally enjoy the solitude.
- Well, Yes. In the end, I feel the old and familiar.
- Correctly. No matter what anyone says, best friends for ourselves we are.
1 Season 4 Series
№ 362453   Added MegaMozg 26-02-2019 / 12:02
- So you're a man, right? I hate to choose. You don't like the "concept of choice" as such... You live in circumstances like adrift. I hate to compete. I hate to explain. A lover of uncertainty.
- I will not deny.
- Do not deny, but do not agree...
1 Season 4 Series
№ 362386   Added MegaMozg 25-02-2019 / 21:09
Do you have is that you don't mind getting killed by another person? Tell me, please, what condition would you allow someone to kill you? If you yourself do not like the idea that at any moment you can fall victim to a murder, then you at least have the right to kill others.
1 Season 4 Series
№ 362373   Added Viker 25-02-2019 / 08:47
Yeah... "I trust You"? Since when I started to throw these words? So loud swelling words? Took and suddenly said that. Question: what is "trust"? Answer: when you do not mind the possibility of betrayal. When you're not going to regret it if you will betray you. Either way you look at nonsense.
1 Season 4 Series
№ 362368   Added Viker 25-02-2019 / 08:47
There is always someone better, but for the best, there is only way down.
1 Season 3 Series
№ 362365   Added Viker 25-02-2019 / 08:46
- Speaking of which, did you hear about it, And-Chan? Let's say you have an aquarium with fish. You gradually and gradually heated the water in it. And eventually the water begins to boil! And fish even the nose does not and continues to swim in boiling water. It sounds improbable, but it is real! Well,-Chan, what is this all saying?
- That global warming does not promise problems?
1 Season 2 Series
№ 362341   Added Viker 25-02-2019 / 08:45
You're... Hmm... Testy fellow, full ready to oblige for complete strangers. Not very good quality, I tell you. Not very bad, but not good.
- Yes? Why? In my opinion, this is a wonderful trait - angry, genuinely caring about the unknown. Few are capable of that, especially these days.
- People giving vent to his emotions for the sake of others, also tend to blame everyone but yourself when they happen the trouble. You know, more than anything, I hate people like you. Slave others, you are one of those who pays no attention to traffic signals because everyone else is also doing it. People without certain principles, seredynka the half. Even words do not pick up. Often say "be consistent in agreeing on"... but you, boy, agreeing without agreeing. I hate people like that. Despise them. They blame all the troubles of the others and not even thinking to take responsibility.
1 Season 2 Series
№ 362336   Added Viker 25-02-2019 / 08:45
I felt at ease. I didn't belong here. Although it is difficult to say that in all my nineteen years, I somewhere felt not side-full sun. No Kobe, no Houston, no to Kyoto, no, of course on this island. In the world I was all alone. But it doesn't matter. I like being alone. These are not empty words at least so it seems.
1 Season 1 Series
№ 362308   Added Viker 25-02-2019 / 08:43
There are only two ways of life. To live and realize how little you mean to the rest of the world, or how little means the whole world for you alone - no other. Either let its importance become part of the world, or forget about the importance of peace and live happily.
1 Season 1 Series
№ 361835   Added MegaMozg 21-02-2019 / 18:09
- It is true because there is something terrible about those who can consciously and deliberately to crush the person?
- Really? I was much more afraid of people who do it unconsciously. Those who are willing to trample others in the name of truth and justice far-fetched...
1 Season 1 Series
№ 361833   Added MegaMozg 21-02-2019 / 18:07