Book: Magic mask. Page 2

Already for all this, for all the wonderful opportunities before us every morning we must thank every day world, enjoying life and openly accepting all the benefits that it gives us!
№ 133404   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 13:04
Sometimes you have to trust people. They are able to understand and Express their best qualities, which undoubtedly everyone has.
№ 133403   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 13:04
Admit your mistake and move forward. The main thing is not to stop and not to be angry. Can be, thus, the World is testing you for strength.
№ 132744   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 11:48
All we have in life is the result of our view of it and our point of view. And isn't it wonderful that we can choose how to relate to the events that happen to us, and that to get a result from this experience? Isn't it gives us inner freedom and the feeling that we are divine creations? Doesn't the world created specifically for us? But not designed to torment and humiliate, and to ensure that we enjoyed all the pleasures of life: the beauty of nature, the tenderness of silk and humidity of the morning dew, the taste of fine fruits and berries, the smell of flowers, singing birds and sound of the sea, socializing with others, the same divine creatures, just as we are.
№ 132709   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 11:30
Performing smooth, flowing movement, squirming with the flexibility and grace of a snake and receiving a unique pleasure, Marina suddenly felt, now that her dance was perfect, quite subtle and complex. He has reached the level that was needed to conquer the discerning who have seen many skilled dancers the jury, which was difficult something to surprise.
Now the dance had everything you need: artistry, brightness, brilliance, gestures and expression of facial expressions of the Marina. She turned him into a real subtle art of seduction and gorgeous aesthetic spectacle, making it special and unique.
Quote Explanation: Marina is a dancer. She has been belly dancing
№ 132139   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 11:00
Everyone in this world has a purpose - you only need to open it. She now knew exactly how it feels at that moment, when his whole body and soul filled with the realization that this is his mission, here it is - the meaning of life, the beautiful things that man can do on Earth and to give people. This feeling, dismisses the fears and doubts, it was a true harmony of soul and body. It wanted to permanently preserve and carry with them their whole lives.
№ 132138   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 11:00