Book: Hamlet and don Quixote

Who, sacrificing themselves, trying first to count and weigh all the consequences, all the probability of use of his act, he is hardly capable of self-sacrifice.
№ 135075   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 15:13
He doesn't believe in himself and conceited; he doesn't know what he wants and why he lives, and attached to life..
№ 135074   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 15:13
All people live consciously or unconsciously, and the power of his principle, his ideal, i.e., due to the fact that they revere truth, beauty, goodness. Many get their ideal is already completely ready, in definite, historically developed forms; they live, thinking their lives with this ideal, sometimes deviating from it under the influence of a passionate or accidents - but they're not thinking about it, no doubt in it; others, on the contrary, it was subjected to analysis of their own thoughts. Anyway, we don't seem too mistaken if we say that for all people this ideal, the Foundation and purpose of their existence is either outside them or in them: in other words, for each of us is either self is first, or something else, recognized them for higher. It may be argued that the reality does not allow such a sharp distinction between that one and the same living being, both views can be interleaved, even blend in to some extent; but we were not going to say impossible! We just wanted to point out two different attitudes of man to his ideal.
№ 135073   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 15:13
That is the special advantage of great poetry, which the genius of their creators breathed undying life that views on them, as well as life in General, can be infinitely various, even conflicting - and at the same time in a fair manner.
№ 135072   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2017 / 15:13