Book: Leninist dialectics and metaphysics of positivism

Science (scientific understanding of reality), according to this philosophy, is a system of utterances linking in one consistent complex the elements of “our experience”, sensations. A consistent set of symbols, interconnected in accordance with the requirements and prohibitions of formal logic. According to the Machists, these requirements and prohibitions do not reflect anything in objective reality. They are simply requirements and norms for working with symbols, and logic is a set of techniques for this work. Logic therefore is a science that does not reflect anything in objective reality, but gives only the sum of the rules governing the work with symbols of every kind. Work with symbols. In the name of what? What is the purpose of this work? Where do its norms come from? The Machians are also ready to answer this. “If the rule of law is aimed at maintaining and maintaining a well-known socio-economic system, then the norm of thinking should consider adaptation of the organism to its environment as its ultimate goal” 6. From the needs of the body (that is, from the needs of a completely biologically interpreted person), the Machists derive their understanding of thinking. From the need for balance, from the supposedly inherent need for eliminating all and all kinds of contradictions. “Of course, thinking that is completely free from contradictions is only an ideal, to which we should approach [53] as far as possible; but from the fact that we are very far from it, both in the past thoughts and in the present, it does not at all follow that we must abandon the struggle against contradiction ... ”7 Thinking, like all other mental functions of man, is directly is interpreted as an activity directed - as at its goal immanently laid down in the body of an individual - to maintain (or to restore disturbed) balance. “Every organism is a dynamic system of physical and chemical processes, that is, a system in which individual processes support each other in a state of equilibrium.” 2. Equilibrium, understood as the absence of any conflict states within the body, is here superior the principle of thinking, logic as a system of rules, the observance of which ensures the achievement of this goal, that is, of a state where the body does not experience any needs, but is in a balanced calm and stillness. It is easy to see how unsuitable for the revolutionary’s thinking is the logic resulting from such an understanding of thinking. This logic made the mind that obeyed it fundamentally blind in relation to the contradictions of the opposing reality [54], to contradictions in the composition of real facts themselves, in the sphere of material (economic) relations between classes. She made him blind to the very essence of the revolutionary crisis that has matured in the country, in the system of relations between people. The materialist dialectic of Marx aimed at the analysis of these contradictory relations by the revolutionary thinking. Mach's idealistic metaphysics directly averted his gaze from such an analysis. Lenin saw clearly that a revolutionary who adopted such a logic of thinking inevitably turns from a revolutionary into a kind of capricious being, ignoring the real contradictions of life and trying to impose his arbitrary will on her. And he began to patiently explain to Bogdanov, and Lunacharsky, and to all their like-minded people, what kind of philosophy they were captured, what terrible infection had penetrated into their brain.
№ 284148   Added MegaMozg 22-04-2017 / 08:45
The scheme of thought Maha is the scheme (logic) of thinking of the fundamental empiricist, seeking to transform the features of a historically limited mode of thinking in the universal definition of thinking in General. This scheme reflects perfectly the mindset of a troubled revolution, the petty-bourgeois Philistine preoccupied one - how to maintain balance within his little world, or restore this balance if it is shaken, to restore their lost comfort, both material and spiritual, by eliminating from it all contrary elements. At any cost, by any means.
The trouble is, if the schema of this thinking gets in the head of the revolutionary and begin to lead them. The man in the street, completely lost his balance, then turns in the enraged petty bourgeois, the "leftist" and like him a revolutionary and the leader of such "leftists". Or, losing his balance, he begins to seek release not in the "R-R-revolutionary" freaking out and in the quiet lunacy of religious quest, looking for a kind little God.
№ 284146   Added MegaMozg 22-04-2017 / 08:45
When the fetishized science and scientific thinking lead to immoral conclusions, to justify violence and cruelty, causing terror among the adept of such thinking, the scientist turns on the waterworks and begins to look for salvation in the abstract, is meaningless, but "humane" ideals, pricked its romantic, but, alas, fruitless nobility.
№ 284145   Added MegaMozg 22-04-2017 / 08:45
The principle of economy of thinking, if he really put "the basis of the theory of knowledge", can not lead to anything other than subjective idealism. "Economically" just "think" that only I exist and my feelings, is undeniable, since we are made in epistemology in such a ridiculous concept.
"More economical" to "think" the atom is indivisible or consists of positive and negative electrons? "Economically" possible to think of the Russian bourgeois revolution carried out by the liberals or conducted against the liberals? Enough to put a question to see the absurdity, the subjectivism of applying the category here of "economy of thinking".
№ 284144   Added MegaMozg 22-04-2017 / 08:45