Book: The Evil Empire

The victory is calculated as losses - sometimes Pyrrhic, and for whom the space Shuttle.
№ 371013   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 04:04
Developed country, is able to pay its workers and to spend money on wastewater treatment, will support the worldwide "environmental movement" with the obvious goal to crush someone else's industry in the Bud. The General principle is simple: the enemy must deliberately impose unacceptable or at least uncomfortable rules of the game.
№ 371012   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 04:03
A state with a strong economy and producing cheap and quality products, will preach the complete openness of the world market, to curse the borders and customs as survivals of the middle Ages and the barriers to free trade.
№ 371011   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 04:02
Any player on whatever field he played, seeks not just to win but to establish rules of games, which win he will be guaranteed by definition.
№ 371010   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 03:10
You have to be kind, merciful, humane... the Ones who invented this life-saving formula that did it for others, not for yourself. And beat themselves with all his might. Beaten mercilessly, but when I try to swing back... just try, you reproachfully remind you that you have to be compassionate. While you hesitate, you'll kick again, so much so that certainly the hand does not rise.
№ 371009   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 03:09
What form does to, it's not even wide waist belt - a good customized form makes a person feel stronger, more confident, even courageous.
№ 371008   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 03:08
People over the centuries have managed to make a humble and prayerful. The Church from the time of Prince Vladimir and to this hour tells him to bow down and submit to any authority.
№ 371007   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 02:07
Eighteen-year-old believes that the best age is eighteen years old and thirty years his thirty.
№ 371006   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 02:06
Answering blow for blow, protect you from the bastard, and many other, unfamiliar people.
№ 371005   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 02:05
Honesty lies in the fact. to give the bastard in the teeth before he, obnaglev of impunity, will give teeth to you, your children and loved ones.
№ 371004   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 02:04
Not to be vindictive taught only invaders. And obedience was taught. And piety! And humility. A free man... a decent man is bound to be vindictive!
№ 371003   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 02:03
In the United States psychoanalysis became what was red Commissars in Soviet Russia.
№ 371002   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 02:02
Maybe when their dog's life... their life is not the way.
Quote Explanation: Americans about Russian
№ 371001   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 01:03
They hate us, as hate the poor rich as the lucky loser as the loser of the winner.
№ 371000   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2019 / 01:02
When normal human behavior is superimposed by concepts such as honor, pride, loyalty to the word... then the human behavior becomes unpredictable.
№ 370939   Added MegaMozg 28-05-2019 / 03:05