Movie: Kubanskie kazaki (1949). Page 2

- My friend and attendant, attendant-grades.
And so together we are about the birds now sing.
- What is it about birds, nikanorovna?
What about all the famous people who khristoforovna.
Raven with a Check mark sitting on Suchocka next.
And the Tick looks a speaking glance.
- No manual Raven bird, khristoforovna.
- It means he wants to priuchatsya, nikanorovna.
№ 286522   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2017 / 07:57
- Do you remember Dasha, I have the train met?
- I met and forgot.
- I was looking for you.
- Searched for and not found? Means, badly searched.
- Why are you so? I kept thinking about you. And yesterday, when I suddenly saw...
- Not even said Hello.
- Well, how could I? After all, we were not even acquainted with you.
- Well met.
№ 286521   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2017 / 07:57
- Where's our girl?
- Girl looking for happiness, PA, and you should not want to keep.
- Did you not try my teeth! Where's the girl?
- And you do not irritate me, I'm sad!
- Oh, the latch!
№ 286520   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2017 / 07:57
Is my caretaker. Here is a man of the world, none of this caretaker there!
- Not to show off, proud Hordei, I don't like bragging.
- Don't like?
- I don't like.
- Ah, Bob Aces, my breeder. None of this breeder no.
Again, Gordey Gordei?
- I will not, will not.
№ 286519   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2017 / 07:57
- I will steal you, swear, steal!
- What? Do not hear.
- Put on a horse and taken to his farm.
- And why to your? I got my own.
№ 286518   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2017 / 07:57
- I look at you and my heart once again delivers disturbing calls.
- What calls?
- Alarming.
№ 286517   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2017 / 07:56
All surprisingly
Announce the announcement:
We have reduced the price
For melons, pumpkins and watermelons,
The corn on the cob,
On roots and fruit
And other products.
Prices are thirty percent reduced,
The goods to the consumer close.
Welcome to our stall
Buy in time! Store up for the future!
So as not to run in the cold
Over a dozen cucumbers!
Gave caretaker farm
№ 286516   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2017 / 07:56
Well I can Gordey Gordei? I'm this way and that. Dasha and me no draws.
- How is "not paying"? And you care, reach out and conquer it. Oh, you Cossack! For example, if I was in your...
- Well, Yes, you would! Okay, let's, let's.
- Try! So you with her eyes don't take your ice cream treat, ride the carousel, bring the circus to the Barber's lead.
- At-at...
- All expenses the Board incurs.
- Ah, well that is another matter.
№ 286515   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2017 / 07:56
- Avdotya, a reason she had trapped him.
- Not without reason, Kuma, Oh for a reason.
№ 286514   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2017 / 07:56
- Look how the groom found! Espagnolette!
I'm not the groom, dad, I'm the matchmaker.
- We're such matchmakers a shaft...
Uncultured conversation, grandpa.
№ 286513   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2017 / 07:56
- Hello, girls! Where wander, the bride?
- Where are you - there we are.
And we the fair!
- We are there too!
- Here and well. So, take a walk, huh?
- And you whose are you?
- And we the people are lonely, idle, drive, walk, are looking for something that is not lost.
- So you, perhaps nothing will!
- I think we found it!
- Something you do not see your finds.
And our finding is you beauties! Let me meet you!
№ 286511   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2017 / 07:56
- His reverence, Galina Ermolaeva. Do not you know?
- As I can not to find Gordey Gordei? Yes, you recognize a mile away.
- Am I that noticeable?
Mustache you a noticeable.
- Mustache? It is for your posture. I am a Cossack.
And now the Cossacks without a mustache more go.
- Well, I-what? I'm a man idle, Cossack free. Want - and let the beard.
- Hold at least a braid, Gordey Hordei!
№ 286510   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2017 / 07:56
- Drive, Kuzma Apanasovich, drive, and that the fair would be late.
- So the train bulls, not the bike! TSE W mile per hour at full speed.
№ 286509   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2017 / 07:55