Author of quotes: Vladimir Dal

Let the woman go to heaven, and she will lead the cow with her.
Quote Explanation: Illustrator Tatyana Kozmina.
Let the woman go to heaven, and she will lead the cow with...
№ 460688   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 15:43
Break into two, they will say: two legs, two arms, why not four?
Quote Explanation: Illustrator Tatyana Kozmina.
Break into two, they will say: two legs, two arms, why not...
№ 460687   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 15:43
There was a time when they kissed us on the crown, and now they kissed us on the mouth, and even then, for Christ’s sake.
Quote Explanation: Illustrator Tatyana Kozmina. [This means that children are usually kissed on the forehead, and the second part of the proverb speaks of the Easter greeting (or Christening), which ends with a threefold kiss.]
There was a time when they kissed us on the crown, and now...
№ 460685   Added Viker 10-01-2024 / 15:42
Proverb - a short parable. This is the judgment, sentence, precept expressed by the plain terms and put into circulation, under the coinage of the nation. With this concept of saying we have to agree that she's not being penned, and is forced by the force of circumstances, like a scream or a cry, involuntarily plucked from the soul.
№ 324562   Added MegaMozg 28-04-2018 / 17:09
Accurate and figurative Russian language is especially rich in Proverbs. Thousands of them, tens of thousands! As for the wings, they flit from century to century, from one generation to another, and not visible to that limitless expanse, where it directs its flight, this winged wisdom.
№ 324559   Added MegaMozg 28-04-2018 / 17:06
The greatest wealth of the people - their language! By accumulating and live in the word countless treasures of human thought and experience. And maybe none of the forms of language creativity of the people with such power and so many do not is his mind, so crystal is not deposited its national history, social structure, everyday life, worldview, as in Proverbs.
Quote Explanation: The opening remarks.
№ 324558   Added MegaMozg 28-04-2018 / 17:05