Author of quotes: Fedor Arturovich Keller

I'm a Christian, and I think that it is a sin to change the oath.
Quote Explanation: Response to General K. Mannerheim tried to persuade to obey the provisional government.
№ 365125   Added MegaMozg 26-03-2019 / 22:13
I got a dispatch about the abdication of the Emperor and of some Provisional government. I, your old commander, who divided with you and deprivations, and sorrows, and joys, do not believe that the Emperor at such a moment could voluntarily leave the army and Russia.
Quote Explanation: The soldiers said on March 4, 1917, after receiving a telegram from the Rate of the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II from the throne.
№ 365124   Added MegaMozg 26-03-2019 / 22:13