Author of quotes: Rick Riordan. Page 6

Each time, she had only to mention the name Rachel, Percy started to get nervous. There was a time when Rachel was hoping to start Dating Percy. But that was a long time ago. Right now she and Annabeth became good friends. But that didn't stop Annabeth periodically to tease those of Percy. Their guys keep in shape.
№ 280169   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2017 / 14:21
- We serve those who are in bitterness and defeated, said Arai. - We serve all killed, who's last breath cries out for vengeance. How many curses we are ready to share with you!
I appreciate your generous offer, ' said Percy. But my mom told not to accept curses from strangers.
№ 280168   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2017 / 14:21
... Sorry that Jason can hang on the neck of Nico di Angelo bell, that he reminded him of the presence of this guy. Niko was a very unpleasant habit of standing quietly to itself in the corner, mingling with the shadows.
№ 280167   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2017 / 14:21
- I have no friends! shouted Nico. - I left Camp half-Blood, because there was no place for me! Nowhere and never there is no place for me!
№ 280166   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2017 / 14:21
- If the others find out...
- If the others find out - continued for him, Jason. - all as one will stand up for you and send divine fury on anyone who dares to bother you.
№ 280165   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2017 / 14:21
I'm thinking about fire - continued Piper. - We're waiting for that giant win for Leo, since he...
- Hot? - grinning, suggested Leo.
№ 280164   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2017 / 14:21
My friend is dying. You can cure it or not?
Her voice wavered on the word "friend." Percy was to her much more. Even the word "boyfriend" does not cover everything. They've been through so much together that by this time Percy had become part of her - sometimes a very annoying part, but definitely that she could not live.
№ 280163   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2017 / 14:21
Being the only girls on the ship - it's not easy. They told each other stories, complained about the disgusting habits the boys, and sometimes even with tears, remembering Annabeth.
№ 280162   Added MegaMozg 21-03-2017 / 14:20
Well, at least Annabeth's ankle was. She had almost ceased to limp. Numerous cuts and abrasions are gone too. She tore the jeans from a piece of cloth and removed the hair in a ponytail. Flashes in red river, her gray eyes sparkled. Battered, covered in soot and dressed as a homeless person, in the opinion of Percy, Annabeth looked terrific.
Quote Explanation: Percy describes Annabeth
№ 278756   Added MegaMozg 09-03-2017 / 16:24
So what that they're in Tartarus? Well, what chances of survival they have a minimum? He was happy about the fact that they are together, and that he badly wanted to smile.
Quote Explanation: Percy about Annabeth
№ 278751   Added MegaMozg 09-03-2017 / 16:23
But at least with him was Annabeth. Together they will find a way out of Tartarus. Definitely. He doesn't particularly trust to fate and the prophecies, but we firmly believed in one thing: Annabeth and they're meant to be together. They've been through so much not to die here and now.
№ 278750   Added MegaMozg 09-03-2017 / 16:23
Frank almost jumped up when he realized that Nico was standing right at his side. This guy was always so quiet and self-absorbed that he seemed to literally disappear for a while, until he decided to join the conversation. Maybe, they only hazel is actually returned from the dead, but Nico made a much more otherworldly impression.
Quote Explanation: Frank describes Niko
№ 278749   Added MegaMozg 09-03-2017 / 16:23
Percy is the most powerful demigod I've ever met. No offense, guys, it's true. If anyone can survive, it's him, especially with Annabeth. They will find a way through Tartarus.
Quote Explanation: Nico about Percy
№ 275526   Added MegaMozg 01-03-2017 / 21:45
By human standards, he was barely fourteen, just a year older than hazel, but it didn't make any difference. Like the hazel, Nico di Angelo was a demigod of the past generation and radiated a special, old energy - a melancholy that comes from knowing that he belongs to the modern world.
Hazel met him not so long ago, but understood him and shared with him the sadness. Children of Hades (or Pluto, whatever) was rarely happy.
№ 275525   Added MegaMozg 01-03-2017 / 21:45
They will find the House of Hades. They will seal the Gates of Death. And in the name of the gods, if Leo needs to invent a grasping hand long enough to pull Percy and Annabeth out of Tartarus, then that'll be next, what he will do.
№ 275524   Added MegaMozg 01-03-2017 / 21:44