Character: uncle Henry

I love making wine because this noble nectar is simply incapable of lying. Clusters picked too early or too late, it doesn't matter. Every time you are about to take a sip, the wine will whisper the whole truth to you frankly and without any embarrassment right in your mouth.
№ 442882   Added Viker 06-08-2022 / 08:48
The blue suit is the most versatile element of the wardrobe. But much more important than a suit is a person who can fit it to your figure. Once you have found a good tailor, you must not tell anyone his name, even under the threat of grievous bodily harm.
№ 442880   Added Viker 06-08-2022 / 08:48
You, darling, sense in these matters is no more than a stool.
№ 98151   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2017 / 01:44