Character: Orestes

Cheeky, sweetheart, give birth to children for love, not loneliness. It is impossible to fill the void with a child.
98 Series
№ 187318   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2017 / 12:30
- How beautiful you are! You're beautiful. Did anyone ever say that?
- No. I never said I was beautiful.
I said you were beautiful.
- No? Then what you said to me?
Beautiful - those are the women that on the covers of magazines, on television, actress, model..
Yes, those who have a great figure, Yes?
- You're completely different. You're beautiful. And it is from here, from the inside. This is impossible to achieve no diet, no surgery.
53 Series
№ 171273   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 15:12