Character: ROI

We share many years of life, for I am very old, and to you only yesterday came female maturity. And your fate is different from the one that was meant for me; it seems that there's almost nothing connects. But it's not, because the bonds of love bind us, but love, you know, the only thing that is eternally and perfectly in Heaven and on earth. Time is nothing; it seems that it is, but it does not exist, because in eternity there is a place time? The greatness and fame, beauty and desire, wealth and poverty, all that we gain and then lose, even birth and death - only the bubbles in the stream of life that appear and disappear. Only love is true, only love is eternal. For the love of God and, being God, rules the world; he is the king of a thousand faces, who will win and all will create hate the world, and from the evil - oil for their lamps.
№ 176194   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2017 / 18:41