Character: Bob Parr

We're not talking about you. We're talking about son.
- You're good for him I wish? Then give him the opportunity to play sports!
- No need to make me the bad guy! Do you know why it's impossible!
- Yes! He wins!
- Don't! So! Shout!
Quote Explanation: Bob comes home late at night, after they helped Lucius in the fire.
1 Season 1 Series
№ 349983   Added MegaMozg 14-11-2018 / 23:08
Is it possible to change the ideal woman?!
№ 24494   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 05:25
- I saved your life!
- You saved my life, you ruined me death!
№ 17293   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 22:25