Character: Lala

- Son, why do people want to hit us with their cars?
- This is because they are unhappy, mother, and unhappy people like to spoil things.
Quote Explanation: Duke and Lala playing mom and son
№ 277127   Added MegaMozg 02-03-2017 / 16:55
- There is one person with the gift to freeze the water. However, she is already seventy, and she's a homebody, but suddenly...
- Lala, don't mock me, - opening one eye, the man looked at her friend, and she, with a chuckle, said:
- Even thought, honey! You asked for all options, so...
- In addition to grandmother of all law breakers, love of the secret society "antibuker" someone still there?
№ 247596   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 21:00