Character: Moshkin

The reminders in bold black crayon built in neat soldier rows of printed letters:
"I never learn on the street, but the school is not the street, and the center of culture and education!"
"I never learn on the street, I just want to know your name".
"I did not meet on the street, I am conducting a poll. What toothpaste you brush your shoes?"
"I never learn on the street, but this is a special case: if I hadn't come, I would tonight jumped off the bridge!"
"I never learn on the street, but I have two tickets to the movies. The screening started two minutes ago. However, the cinema in another part of town, and we still do not have time. So maybe better take a walk in the Park?"
№ 71780   Added MegaMozg 04-01-2017 / 00:02
Usually only a woman is able to believe his lies until the end, creating a kind new reality. The man often lacks imagination.
№ 18907   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 01:07