Character: Benjamin Gurevich

- I want to know what was the Webber, when put on the dead grass that Hans... if he was Crying?... If he shouted at night?
- Nichrome it is not felt!
Why? A fascist, like every normal person is born with normal human feelings.
- Where do they go?
Quote Explanation: Sobolewski speaks of two Germans: the Webber and Hans.
№ 394530   Added MegaMozg 11-05-2020 / 23:48
- Benjamin B., I have long wanted to ask you - you, in fact, "citizen" had a drink?
Drinking... milk. You see, Evgeny, in all this bollocks I'm interested in mainly process.
№ 335060   Added MegaMozg 25-07-2018 / 03:16