Character: Samuel Fense

We, the people, are the vampires that suck the blood of the Earth, to fill its gas tanks of their cars.
№ 62727   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 17:00
Who would know, as I think about those innocent poor girls who only want to get married so my husband solved their problem! Tales about fairies brought a lot of harm to our generation.
№ 62191   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 16:25
To want means to be able.
№ 62190   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2017 / 16:25
Humanity will be doomed in the day when people have lost the desire to surpass myself.
№ 6635   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 22:58
For someone with a motive, limits do not exist.
№ 6634   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 22:58