patriot [Theme]

Patriots often turn into bastions.
№ 418542   Added wisewords 05-05-2021 / 13:22
But what if I'm Russian? And I have in common with other Russian not only some movies and "cultural code" which anybody in eyes did not see, and say the real Russian culture, the great Russian literature, not least the great Russian language. I'm not Russian, but a citizen of Russia. I'm not Russian, at least because the word sounds disgusting. I'm not Russian, because I have nothing in common with the misanthropic values of the Soviet occupation. I'm not Russian because I respect other peoples, but love your. I'm not Russian, because my legacy is that of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Skobelev and all those who died and shed their blood for Russian people. I'm not Russian and proud of it.
№ 289647   Added MegaMozg 08-06-2017 / 13:50