price [Theme] Page 29

Man is worth so much, how many others will appreciate it.
№ 34238   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 13:37
Kings divided people into two categories. One order, the other buy. For the kings, stick to the old and banal truth: you can buy any. Any. The only question is price.
№ 34142   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 13:33
All dreams have a price.
№ 32643   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 11:39
There is a legend about a bird that sings only once in my entire life, but more beautiful than ever. Once she leaves her nest and flies to look for a Bush and will not rest until you find it. Among the thorny branches she sings a song and rushes chest on the longest, sharpest thorn. And, towering above unspeakable flour, singing, dying, this jubilant song of envy and the lark and the Nightingale. The only, the incomparable song, and it goes with my life. But the whole world stills to listen, and God himself smiling in heaven. For all the best is bought only at the cost of great suffering... At least, so says the legend.
№ 31902   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 11:10
Nobody grants wishes just like that, everything has a price.
№ 22010   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 03:30
If the beer was worth it, as gasoline is one thing. And if on the contrary just something else.
№ 20001   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 01:59
- Experience shows that wine for ten bucks, tastes better, if you think it's worth ninety.
6 Season 6 Series
№ 18454   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2017 / 00:46
Without breaking eggs, scrambled eggs do not cook.
№ 16988   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 22:11
Nowadays people know the price of everything, but do not know how to appreciate.
№ 16799   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 21:17
He [man] - what's is - and always one of my favorite apps.
№ 16304   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 20:24
- How much is it?
- 5 Galleons.
- And for me?
- 5 Galleons.
- I'm your brother!!
- 10 Galleons.
№ 12905   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 13:13
- You need a scarf, and to me a hot dog. Price and value are two different things.
№ 10917   Added MegaMozg 01-01-2017 / 03:40
My horse is 100 ECU, but seeing as she liked you, I'd give you 3 ECU and my hat!
№ 5499   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 22:04