breeding [Theme]

The repressions changed a lot in the character of the Russian people... An anthropological catastrophe occurred when most of the people, the thinking part of the people, the self-sufficient part of the people, capable of thinking and analyzing, was destroyed. Negative selection worked. Worked very well.
Quote Explanation: An artist from the city of Borovsk about repressions in the USSR. In an interview with the channel Caution: Sobchak.
№ 439765   Added Viker 26-05-2022 / 18:29
Genetic breeders proudly report that brought square peaches, pears, etc in order to make it easier to store, to transport. It is profitable. Yes do not change and the human form, the better to stuff it in the bus or somewhere else?
№ 347772   Added MegaMozg 24-10-2018 / 22:08
After I learned about evolution and the history of livestock, I understand - stupid white animals over which I laughed because they walked after each other and stuck in the bushes, was as a result of generations of farmers as a result of generations of breeding sheep; we created them, we made them out of wild and intelligent animals, who were their ancestors so that they become submissive, stupid, tasty manufacturers of wool. We didn't want, he was smart, and to some extent intelligence and aggression are interrelated. Of course, smarter than sheep, but even they degraded the idiots, which they are forced to communicate and whom they impregnate.
The same principle applies to chickens and cows and almost everything what could a long time to reach our greedy, hungry hands. Sometimes I think: this could happen to women, but although this theory is attractive, I suspect - it is wrong.
№ 5596   Added MegaMozg 31-12-2016 / 22:08