genes [Theme]

Of course, our genes play a role in shaping our personalities, but as Gina's case shows, we are more than just a collection of genes. How we spend our time affects who we are.
№ 464846   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:52
We live in an age where the possibilities of human creativity are endless. You can invent robots, edit genes, create virtual worlds... There are so many interesting unexplored areas to explore. I hope more people discover the pleasure of making things for others. I hope one day we as a species will turn our backs on the self-destructive path of endless consumerism in favor of a full journey to create a better world for ourselves and those around us.
№ 449944   Added Viker 08-02-2023 / 10:44
You see, many of my colleagues rely on appearance solely in the genes. DNA, of course, is responsible for the color of the eyes, hair, eyelash density, but ... beauty and charm are not the density of eyelashes. It is the presence of the intellect.
№ 435139   Added Viker 02-02-2022 / 11:02
The doctor froze.
№ 429150   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 17:25
I believe in genes. And I already have bells. I have a glass of wine every night. But one at a time! Thank God, now I bought large glasses in the aquarium department. I'm not lying to myself. One glass. I don't have a husband or children now. I have a responsibility only to myself, to my neighbors sometimes. Sometimes I just want a change with Tsoi at two in the morning.
Release Date: 13.09.2021
№ 428007   Added Viker 27-09-2021 / 14:42
Unfortunately, you can never guess what children will take from their parents ...
№ 426388   Added MegaMozg 22-08-2021 / 11:00
- I can not. The teacher has a magazine.
Quote Explanation: Журнал "Мурзилка" No 1, 1984
№ 424571   Added MegaMozg 30-07-2021 / 22:24
It was the story of a race doomed to peace, as the horrors of war and defeat were too deeply ingrained in their genes.
№ 421887   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2021 / 15:06
The word was born in silence and lives, carrying its genes.
№ 421459   Added MegaMozg 25-06-2021 / 15:36
Istanbul is a fluid city. It's not forever. And nothing is immutable. Probably, it began thousands of years ago, when the ice melted, the sea level rose, flood waters flooded and all known forms of life were destroyed. Probably, the pessimists were the first to escape from here, and the optimists, apparently, decided to stay and see how things would go. Nalan believed that one of the enduring tragedies of human history is that pessimists survive better than optimists, and this, if you think logically, means that humanity carries the genes of those who do not believe in the human race.
Flooding, the waters pressed from all sides, they drowned everything in their path - animals, plants, people. So there was the Black Sea, and the Golden Horn, and the Bosphorus, and the Sea of Marmara. The bay is all around, the waters have created a piece of land on which one day a powerful city grew.
And it still hasn't frozen, their homeland. Closing her eyes, Nalan heard the excitement of the waters under her feet. They rush, whirl, look for something.
Still changing.
№ 410588   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2021 / 18:03
We are behind our actions, not mom and dad. We. Genes determine our eye color, hair color, physique, but we are responsible for the formation of character. Of course, at first it is controlled from the outside, but with age, this responsibility is transferred to us. Do not believe when they say that you cannot change your character - it is very much subject to adjustment. Only this is a very difficult and painstaking work, it is like breaking poorly spliced bones, installing them correctly, and then suffering for a long time in a cast, but in the end you get a perfect gait. The new generation is not intended to repeat the actions of our ancestors, we must be better than them, because before our eyes there is an example of how not to act. However, we are still stepping on the same robbers, but this does not mean at all that there is no need to try to avoid them.
Quote Explanation: Character from the text-based role-playing game "Barefoot on Baker Street"
№ 409122   Added MegaMozg 12-12-2020 / 18:39
Parents combine in their child exactly two shaken liquids, and as a result, the child can get a face almost indistinguishable from the mother's, and not at all adopt the comedic gift of the father.
№ 403395   Added MegaMozg 02-09-2020 / 12:48
I have a hereditary liar. In my family's genes.
№ 393191   Added MegaMozg 06-05-2020 / 16:54
Another study by the same group, have identified specific genes involved in the control of attention, has shown that it is influenced by educational methods, and demonstrated the close link between children's ability to control attention and ability to control emotions.
№ 390469   Added MegaMozg 06-04-2020 / 12:39
- ... Even if such thing as free will, does not exist in nature, we should still treat each other like it is to preserve the society in which we live. Because otherwise, every time somebody does something terrible, you can't punish him. There was nothing he could do - his genes, environment, or God himself forced him to do so. And every time someone will do the honourable thing, you can't submit to him, because he's just a puppet. And if you think that all around the puppet, so why talk to them? Why seek somewhere, something to create, once all your ideas, your creation, your dream or dreams - just the script that is attached to you by your puppeteer.
Hopelessness, summed up Miro.
- So we accept ourselves and all others as creatures with a will of its own. We treat each other like we are driven by the arising in the mind of intention, and not some unknown Creator. We punish criminals. We reward altruists. We are making plans for the future and put them into practice. We promise and anticipated fulfillment of the word. Everything is sewn with white thread, but when everyone believe in that the actions of others - the result of free choice, and will be treated accordingly to rights and duties, the final result will be the civilization.
№ 386071   Added MegaMozg 13-01-2020 / 15:02