Ekaterina Kazakova. Elected under the contract (№ 240037)

We have created a demiurge, but they have not created what you saw us. In one world a young dragon was in the mountains near collapse and almost died from wounds and hunger, when he was found by a shepherd. Seeing this, the man said, "I'll help you, but for that you have to pay here in this piece of gold" and showed him on one of the stones. And the dragon gave him a nugget of the then quite unnecessary to us yellow metal, although, in gratitude he wanted to give an oath to come to man and all his descendants to the rescue if the worst happens. So we learned that for the help you have to pay and gold for humans is often worth more than his friend's shoulder. Time passed, in another world another dragon for a long time trying to cultivate the field, but he did not succeed, and then he went for advice to the man. "I will tell you how to plow and sow, but in return you'll show me where the diamonds lie," replied the man. And the dragon, having received advice, showed him a cave with a living. He plowed the field, harvested, and his wife and children survived the harsh winter. When the dragon learned that the village a person's impending deadly epidemic, it is in gratitude for saving his family from starvation, hastened to give the man advice as soon as possible to leave here. But the man did not listen to Council of the dragon. Because of Mora died the whole family of man, and he cursed himself for not listened to then Council. So the dragons learned that the advice is costly, and people often ignore them if they received for free.
As time went on, and people in all the worlds realized that not only do we depend on them, but also given us invaluable advice. Gradually they decided that dragons are required for all of them to pay three times more than before, although the dragons gave them hints and tips that you can use to change the course of history. Tired of this injustice, we have decided to change the rules of the game. In each world each dragon family has lost some of its members from starvation, but we turned the tide and began to accustom people to the fact that they also have to pay for everything. But people still tried to give us less than we give them until the end and not realizing that the exchange must be equal. It is impossible for one cow to require that you get rich, and penny discovered the secret, where your opponent's most vulnerable spot.
You people have taught us that to pay for everything, and we become the same as you. And we appreciate it, because thanks to their knowledge and human greed, we were able to survive.
№ 240037   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2017 / 15:29

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