Ute Erhardt. Why obedience does not bring happiness (№ 274356)

We can do everything, but the miserable history of the last four generations, not a good life. A good life, "behind the broad back" (aka "Stonewall"), in which the women of the world have seen a dead end, a trap to us can only dream of.
... And in this dream we don't have to stand in a dull job in the chilly winter darkness, we are spared from the eternal bustle and lack of sleep, finally feel safe and protected can finally play with dolls-kitchen-tchotchke-wrappers to Give unnecessary power to burn the frog's skin with their hands, and let all the unpleasant relationship with a harsh and unpredictable world will take It! In the dream, we don't wonder what it is He needs and what may be the price. Are we so good, didn't deserve? We wouldn't have tried?..
... Some, however, were already awake and the awakening was terrible. And what? Very often there is a simple answer: He was not one who would again give your glass slipper, where is the Prince? Oh, how sad to see a beautiful, intelligent and talented, happily ready to step on the same rake, which already broke thousands of women's heads on both sides of the Atlantic!
№ 274356   Added MegaMozg 01-03-2017 / 13:59

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