Movie: The two fighters

Sasha, we have all the platoon doesn't have a boyfriend prettier than you, that I was missing. Well this is impossible - to have success with you!
№ 227606   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 15:45
Scows full of mullet
Odessa Kostya cited,
And all drayman to get up,
When in the pub he was in.
The blue sea behind the Boulevard
Chestnut blossoms over the city.
And Konstantin takes a guitar,
And a low voice sings:
I will not tell for all Odessa,
All Odessa is very high,
But Moldavanka and Peresyp
Adore Kostya the sailor.
Quote Explanation: Words: Vladimir Agates, music: Nikita Bogoslovsky, sings: mark Bernes
№ 227605   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 15:45
- And you know, today a shell fell at the zoo. Said to have killed an elephant...
- Ay-yay-yay! Elephant? Can you hear me, Sasha, what is being done in the rear? So I ask you, were the elephant to leave his home and his beloved Patagonia, the dwellers there are to lose your trunk? Failure...
№ 227604   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 15:45
- You know what I thought? Still, it would be a pity after the war to lose the Friendship that the war involved, she is the most faithful friendship, Arkady.
- Why should we break up? Sho, is a sailor from Odessa, and the blacksmith from the Urals can't live together?
№ 227603   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 15:44
Wow! Here is Sasha from Uralmash!
№ 227602   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 15:44
Believe in you,
My dear friend,
This belief from a bullet me
The dark night kept.
I'm happy
I am calm in a deadly battle,
I know I will meet with love me,
That b with me whatever happens.
Death is not terrible,
Is not it time we met in the desert,
And now she's spinning me.
You were waiting for me
And children's cots are not sleeping,
And so you know - with me
Nothing is going to happen.
Quote Explanation: Words: Vladimir Agates, music: Nikita Bogoslovsky, sings: mark Bernes
№ 227601   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 15:44
The main part of each weapon has the head of its owner.
№ 227598   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 15:44
- Sasha, darling, tell uncles scho some...
- Look, fuck you, I swear...
- Tell them how you got a German SS division.
- Went to grind...
- Yes, guys, no one knows how Sasha with Uralmasha from the gun shot? Well, it's the history of the world! Interested? Our Sasha is somewhere in the battle they got captured Mauser. Well has to say, he had already seized on its growth. In the Mauser! Gun! Well, fantastic camera, gorgeous. But it is necessary to shoot... And how to do it, when Sasha runs into battle without weapons? It W it is not necessary. He rivet fascists handles. The boy Cams - God forbid everyone! Sasha! Show the audience their musical fingers. In a word, the boy rahitik. Well, you all certainly remember for the beautiful moment of calm on our site... So Sasha decided to sprobovat your Pugach. Scho making this boy? He goes to the alley, tear off the white blossom, romashishka Chi sho, ceplaet it to the tree under the view is the target, and opens a shooting range. But romashishka well need to go! Well, when this kid starts shooting, so stay can be no conversation. And the sound from this Pugach, we, too, will not speak. Mortar! Well, toad thought, from the left flank hit the mortars with mortars, machine guns And German artillery regimental thought Sasha Pugach scho our barrage - and let's rivet, at Sasha and romace, Sashechka and romashishka! In one word, what You say... Sasha stomped out, barely alive with the alleys and immediately exchanged their decoration for a shag.
№ 227597   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 15:44
- I dwellers, Sasha, was gone, if not for behind that stone freak toad with mortars!
- You what? It's statues!
- Statues... Toad is still there!
№ 227596   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2017 / 15:44