Author of quotes: L. Page 2

You only have one life. And there is such a thing called happiness. Why deprive yourself of what you want just because someone else doesn't live up to your expectations? Life is like a book, a long chain of events is connected by circumstances and fate. You never know how thick or thin your book is, so it's best to take your best and enjoy every chapter.
№ 436803   Added MegaMozg 09-03-2022 / 21:06
The future always seems serene. In it, we are constantly a few kilograms lighter, a little smarter, filled with life experience and logic. Unfortunately, the sad reality never coincides with what we imagined for ourselves.
№ 436802   Added MegaMozg 09-03-2022 / 21:03
Friend in the view of the ancient Chinese sages - "he whom you know as yourself." It is not easy and is achieved at the cost of some effort. But it is impossible to come to an understanding and friendship.
№ 360601   Added MegaMozg 11-02-2019 / 20:20
In the West, the basis of life of the Nations is the war in the East - Mir (peace); the Foundation of Western Nations is an individual, Foundation East family; the driving force in the West is Right and the material gain in the East - the feeling ostentatious disinterestedness.
№ 360600   Added MegaMozg 11-02-2019 / 20:19
Dinner without wine - that boat without a bottom.
№ 264715   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2017 / 10:15