Author of quotes: Janusz Wisniewski

Hermits - it's people too, obsessively occupied with itself. They don't need, because they want to deal only with themselves and their faith. Asceticism - a kind of mental disease, because it has been used people who are able for the sake of loneliness completely isolate ourselves from the world.
№ 309392   Added MegaMozg 29-11-2017 / 18:07
For me cheating is also that you have something significant to say not wife or husband but someone else.
№ 309391   Added MegaMozg 29-11-2017 / 18:06
In the everyday life of women quickly is the admiration of their husbands. But men love when their wives admire them, and constantly. If a woman wants to save her husband, it is sufficient that she tirelessly demonstrated their admiration for his personality, even if it isn't true.
№ 309390   Added MegaMozg 29-11-2017 / 18:05
The experiments confirm that men and women are joined in pairs based on genetic principles. This means that the less the partners are similar sets of genes, the more likely their children are to survive.
№ 309389   Added MegaMozg 29-11-2017 / 18:04
It seems to me that these poor love remember better than happy. Perhaps this explains the human tendency to rush headlong into the most difficult and painful connection with a certain degree of masochism. If we hadn't suffered, you probably wouldn't feel that love.
№ 309388   Added MegaMozg 29-11-2017 / 18:03
Depression just and is characterized in that during it we have no reason to be sad, and at the same time we are sad.
№ 309387   Added MegaMozg 29-11-2017 / 18:02
Turbulent emotions - the lot especially of girls, they idealize love, after which there is a huge frustration, taking away from them the meaning of life. Adolescent girls have no experience and do not realize that every love is, in a sense, is the first and every next is actually different.
№ 309386   Added MegaMozg 29-11-2017 / 17:06